

In 1998, we started expanding cotton acreage of 150 acres to 5500 in 2003, which at that time made us the largest cotton farmer in South Carolina. We now grow between 1000 to 2000 acres, fluctuating due to rotation.


We grow approximately 3000 acres of corn, which is a critical crop in terms of weed control. In the drier years, irrigation has helped us maximize our corn yields, which has enabled it be a very reliable cash crop.


Close to 1500 acres of soybeans are planted in early June after the wheat is harvested. It is important to keep soybeans and peanut rotations separate due to disease control.


Winter wheat gives us the advantage of growing two crops in one season. We harvest around 1500 acres of wheat in June. After the wheat we plant either late season soybeans or cotton giving us a double crop.


In 2005, Rogers Brothers Farm grew its first crop of peanuts. Peanuts are a fairly new crop to the Pee Dee region of South Carolina and so far have been a success. Our virgin soils (free of soil-borne pathogens) and rotation schedule have allowed us to achieve yields over 5000 lbs per acre.